Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Designer Babies

Advance research into reproductive technologies has been both beneficial and controversial. Such research has lead to the ability of screening embryos prior to implantation into the mother. Although it may be argued that this can be beneficial by preventing diseases such as cystic fibrosis and in the future cure many genetic diseases, the extent of its possible boundaries remains uncertain.

Not many people would argue that on the balance it is not morally wrong to screen embryos to prevent a child suffering disease, but opinion becomes the opposite when you consider doing the same to determine the sex/intelligence/hair colour of a child. The House of Lords in the Hashmi case have ruled that the tissue typing of embryos to help their sick siblings is lawful. However, the ruling has not set any boundaries as to what such procedures can be used for. I can imagine there being a case in the future where the parents wish to "design" their child, either based on looks/intelligence/sex. We will have to wait and see what the courts say then.