Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to fight Council planning applications - Part 2

Part 2 - The Committee meeting

Once the consultation period is complete, if you have raised an objection to the application you will be invited to the Planning and Highways Committee meeting. It is at this meetings that the planning application will be decided.

At the Committee meeting one person from each side, supporting and objecting, will have the opportunity to address the Committee for a 2 minute period.

TIP - Nominate one person to speak and gather details of everyone's objections – the more reasons for refusing the application you can hit them with the better.

TIP - Rather than solely raising the concerns objectors have, try to find policies which the planing application violates and therefore why the application should not be approved – for example we found several Unitary Development Plan (UDP) Policies contravened by the application's plans and by raising these achieved additional parking spaces and an access route to the site – these details were found on the Council's website.

In our case the Council put forward a report to the Committee prior to the meeting (which I think is common practice). Along with details of why the plans should be approved it detailed the number of objections and the concerns raised. However it also gave them a chance to counter these - albeit in our case they didn't address the main issue in question; the residents' concerns were about the security of the area (such as residents' property) and the Council responded with the security of the proposed site.

TIP - This report was published on the planning website and also handed to us just before the Committee meeting, however a copy was also sent directly to me when I raised my detailed written objection to the Council. N.B. It took a long time for a lot of the documents to be uploaded to the site - it is therefore worthwhile requesting a copy after the consultation period.

After both parties have made their representations the Committee members will then discuss the application based on what they have heard. Further to this the Chair will ask members to indicate whether they approve or reject the planning application and a hand show vote will be taken.

It is possible that the Committee meeting will be deferred either before representations are made or after them to enable further information to be sought. In our case it was deferred twice, once when Committee members were made aware of the number of objectors and then again to allow further consultation with the residents and for the applicant to submit a change of plans.

TIP - Until the decision is due to be made any further objections may be considered – if you need a few more petition signatures or other objections use this time wisely. Also if there are any companies which you believe have not been consulted which should be contact them and ask them to put any objections in writing – businesses/money should have a greater influence than an individual.

TIP - If you do get more than one chance to make representations try and always attack from different angles, if the Council have received written objections they are likely to know the reasons for your objection, there is no point repeating the same thing each time. As mentioned above try and find flaws with the plans especially where approval would be contrary to Council policy, try to gauge what the argument for approving the plans will be and try to counter them and raise any conduct issues i.e. lack of consultation/pre-determination.

TIP - Last but not least be sure you know the correct time and location of the meeting, I have heard of situations where times/locations are changed last minute and those who wish to attend the meeting are not advised. In our case our meeting was moved to another room on a different floor of the Town Hall, whilst many of us were waiting outside of the original allocated room.

See you for my next blog post part 3 - The Decision.


  1. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Just going to start are fight against the council. Yours is the first site I have come across. It is both helpful and informative. Thanks. will let you know how we get on.KA

  2. Hiya thanks for posting and do let me know how you get on! The reason I have decided to post about my fight with the Council is because I couldn't find anything when I was looking for help.

    Best of luck and if you have any queries please continue to post.


  3. DROVS supporter4:52 pm

    Thank you...
    Great source of information, and inspiration. We are just about to have superstore dumped in the middle of our relatively quiet village. I think DROVS have covered most of the things you have suggested, but it's easy to get bogged down by it. Your site has given me a proper boost to use the last few days to max effect before the dreaded Planning Comittee meeting on Wednesday.
    Thanks again


  4. Good Luck DROVS! Let me know how you get on.

    We need to preserve our country villages and the communities in/around them.
