Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Has reality TV gone too far?

Further to my previous post re: organ donation the subject has been subject to much controversy in the news today - Outcry over TV kidney competition. The concept of choosing the recipient for a kidney of a dying woman in Holland through "reality television". Viewers via text message alongside the donor will choose the contestant who deserves to receive the woman's kidney. Has the quest to get ratings gone too far? Or is this a move towards a wider recognition of the shortage of organ donation as suggested by the broadcasters.

Personally despite understanding the concept that organs should go to deserving people I think that this is a step too far. Highlighting the need for donors is important but making the sensitive matter the subject of a television show where people are competing for a lifesaving/changing opportunity is one which is not ethically acceptable to many. How can TV broadcasters be allowed to "play God"?

With reality television these days including such shows as Big Brother, Celebrity Love Island, Strictly Come Dancing... to name only a handful - covering a wide range of subjects, allowing shows which have the effect of "playing God" -where will it end?! What is the ethical limit?, organ

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